The job title, "Game Designer" is a very relative term, as I have seen from looking across the internets. Here is my circumstance..... I am in Accelerated Programs at my highschool(College courses in highschool, AP testing and the rest) and I am an A student(my gpa is 4.3). I am looking for a school to master in game design and I need help looking for the best school in the Dallas/Fortworth Metroplex region for that purpose. I dont even know everything that game design entails. Im not the best at programming (I find actionscript difficult, if that gives you an idea of my skill level, lol), If you could make an analogy of my artistry skills in relation to a movie, They'd be a B movie, I'm a phenomenal writer(sorry for the arrogance here, but I get copious amounts of praise for it, so I've gotten used to being confident about it), my academic prowess is very generalized(I know a lot about a lot, simply out of curiousity) and I have a passion for the art of game design. Being a Game Junkie myself, I analyze every aspect of games and find ways to make them better. Game design seems to be a rewarding career choice, but I need help from the people who know exactly what game design entails and what schools offer rewarding programs in game design. What the hell do I have going for me in my future if I persue this career? I need to know if this job is "for me" and the details about what persuing this career would be like. Thx you to everyone that responds to this. I'm a sophmore in Highschool and I only have 2 more years before I have to get out there and learn some stuffs in game design school. How to do plox?